of Tanzania’s children do not attend primary school.
of Tanzania’s children do not attend secondary school.
of primary school pupils also often fail their final national examinations.
For those who are enrolled, there are no sufficient qualified teachers, classrooms and equipment.
Only half of the teachers in secondary schools are well-educated and trained to teach.
In Tanzanian schools, there is a lack of teachers in total, especially in very important fields of Math, Science and English, lowering the future opportunities for students.
It’s estimated that around 400 million children around the world live in poverty.
250 million children globally lack basic reading, writing & math skills.
Given the high levels of poverty in Tanzania, most parents are not able to afford the cost of education for their children - even at the primary school level.
Quality education is priceless and there is no doubt about that. Enabling better education for Zanzibar youth is what unites us all at CR Hope.
The CR Hope foundation is fully invested in
improving the chances and eliminating the barriers to child education in the Zanzibar area of Tanzania.